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Fierce Love - Week Long Intensive

  • Skeppsuddens Kursgård Sweden (map)

Fierce Love is a 7-day tribal immersion and relational incubator. Learn the skills and develop the practices that will allow you to navigate the complexity of two people coming together without getting stuck in the usual ruts. And when that time comes and you do get stuck, you will have the resources to recover faster. Through this process you will learn new ways to communicate, how to self-regulate and co-regulate your nervous system, and how to use relationships as the ultimate path to growth! 

If you are ready to stand in the fire of love, cleansed thru the burning away of old stories, attachments and the limiting beliefs of your small self which cowers in fear of the passionate love which your higher self is yearning for. If you are ready to say enough to your own fear and strip off the armour around your heart. If you are ready cry out to the heavens to break your heart open so it might at last beat true. If you are ready to met in power-filled love in this lifetime then this is your invitation to show up.

During this deep dive you will learn and take away a few major themes about yourself and your behavior that will forever change the way you relate with the world. Put simply we will: 
໑ Find blind spots/shadows
໑ Work together to break patterns
໑ Give tools to create new habits

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During this journey we will learn and study theory about the nervous system, instinctual drives, trauma and somatic regulation. We will utilize embodiment practices such as yoga, dance, conscious touch, social & relational meditations. And we will relate, mirror and reflect one another through a variety of dyadic and communal practices, tantric rituals, shamanic ceremonies and more! All emotions are welcome from tears to laughter as we consciously invite full presence in all its forms as a gateway to freedom and absolute acceptance. 

One of the first steps in making a big life change is literally changing your environment! Leave your comfort zone and join us in Swedish paradise where you clear the slate and immerse yourself in crisp new surroundings. We will be held by the magical and breathtakingly beautiful Skeppsudden- a 18th century farmhouse located on Bråviken's southern beach. Here you will find 28 acres of forests, meadows, cliffs and a mile long beach as well as a delicious apple and cherry orchards. This secluded and scenic location offers the perfect support for this deep and transformational dive.

You have blind spots (shadows). They are in your way and you don’t even know what they are. The only time you get glimpses of those blind spots are in terrifying and horrific situations where your partner is on their way out the door (or some other version of ugly is happening). Even if you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this shadow, you have no way to integrate it, you have no way to actually learn from it and make a change. So it just becomes this overwhelming mud ball that gets thrown at you and then you collapse and feel bad about yourself. 

So, this is for you if you are: 
໑ Looking for a full on relational upgrade
໑ Stuck, tired, frustrated with the way you are currently relating
໑ Currently in a relationship or longing to be in a loving relationship with another person (Singles & Couples welcome!)
໑ Wanting to transform the way you are currently relating
໑ Looping in outdated relational patterns
໑ Looking for a context to gain more perspective on your style of relating
໑ Desiring community to learn with/from
໑ Ready to let go of limiting beliefs holding you back from all the love you deserve
໑ Know you are capable TO LOVE DEEPER THAN YOU FEAR

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Doing the Work with Tribe

The sooner you realize that we are all crazy and no one has it all figured out, the happier you will be. We are doing this work together as a tribe because in a group we can mirror one another. In this sacred feedback chamber, I reflect myself in you and I see aspects of myself in each of you that I could never see clearly unless you were here. We are all mysteries to ourselves but through the reflection in the mirror you can show me a little glimpse of who I am as a gift, as something I like, or as a threat, something I am afraid of. So mirrors are both confirming and affirming where I am beautiful and powerful and also informing me of the darkness I don’t want to see, what I have trouble accepting, my blind spots, what everyone else sees but I don’t. 
Alone we are Screwed, but together we can do it! 

What is Fierce Love? 

Fierce love is allowing others in, to expand the view I have of myself. I am building a sense of self in relation to others, ultimately gaining more self awareness. This confrontation is usually threatening to my sense of self, my ego. And this where I am most vulnerable to becoming reactive. So this is exactly where “Fierce Love” comes in. Can I hold on to this untainted presence as I am feeling the fear of being someone I can’t stand? Through these conscious ways of relating you will get a more accurate view of who you are and how you are perceived by others. We will create a supportive environment with a conscious community that doesn’t want to fall asleep into niceness but rather, is committed to truth and love. Put simply: Be You, Be Real, Be Loved, Burn though the shit. 

By doing this work in a tribe, where everyone is in the process, there is equivalent vulnerability happening. When all of us are in the process of being transparent and vulnerable we eliminate special shame and instead we are learning together how to recognize, name, own, integrate and work through the obstacles (shadows). This is the practice, creating new neural pathways and rewiring the family messages that got stuck in the relational machinery. In this conscious container we get opportunities to practice with everyone! This is an invaluable opportunity you can't get out in the world with lovers, family or friends. To be surrounded by a tribe of human beings just like you, going together, through the scary parts in a safe container. 

The Path of Relating

Where we are the most vulnerable, we have the strongest defenses. And it just so happens, we are the most vulnerable in our closest and most intimate relationships. All relationships, every shape and size, has the ability to lead us deeper into the mystery of who we truly are. Regardless of shape and form of our relationships (i.e. friends, lovers, partners, family, etc.), they are what creates the meaning and potential for happiness in our lives. How we handle our reactive defenses against the threat of separation and relational patterns defines the quality and depth of our connection and relationships. 

So the opportunity here is to become so deeply conscious and aware of how we are relating that we utilize relationship as the path to wake up. Where am I holding back? Where am I not fully free to love? Why don’t I believe I deserve happiness? Or love? Where can I love myself more? Can I love bigger than I fear? 

Who are we? 
We are relationship pioneers. We are couples who are living this and publicly wearing our hearts on our sleeves. We are not afraid to let you in, into our relationship to see our process and learn how to be fully revealed and to work with your shadows. 

Dates: Monday 23, July - Sunday 29 July 2018
Course Fee: Early Bird 650 Euro (Before June 30) Full Price 850 Euro

Room & Board: 3600 SEK - Payable at check in  

Location: Skeppsuddens Kursgård Järstad Östra Stenby 610 32 Vikbolandet

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About the Facilitators:  


Eugene Hedlund, Founder of the School of Tribal Tantra has been teaching these transformational arts around the globe since 2008.

He founded The School of Tribal Tantra as a gateway to accelerate those who are ready to step into their mastery. Eugene’s core passion is to use these tools and gifts in an integrated way which best serves each student.

Tribal Tantra a practice of movement meditation, shamanic ritual and tantric ceremony which is born from and returns to our heart center.

From this center there are four “ways” of Surrender, Connection, Wholeness and Seeing, which we explore to learn the subtle nature of how we may invite non-duality into our lives which facilitates spontaneous awakening to our true and authentic selves 

More info videos about Tribal Tantra and Eugene Hedlund here
“I am not here to offer anything new, but to help us remember something old, something true, something that has always been…that you are complete. You are enough. You are worthy of loving and being loved.”


About Buster Rådvik MA:

Buster’s dharma is being by example and leading with integrity. He literally wears his heart on his sleeve and has a reputation for pleasantly shocking an entire room with his candid emotional awareness and ability to reveal himself, transparently, no matter how awkward and messy it might look. His warm, open style gives permission for people to come home to themselves, embodied in an ecstatic atmosphere of vulnerability. Buster is an expert at gently guiding people into their bodies, through the shadow work, landing them safely into their heart, where vulnerable transparency is accessible and emotional intimacy becomes transformational.

All of Buster’s work including individual sessions, work with couples, and groups is focused on love, sex, and intimacy. He draws his approach from a journey of over a decade of living in intentional communities, combined with his studies and practices of various body-centered disciplines of awakening. Busters gift lies in his eloquent execution and powerful ability to create a safe space for individuals and groups to fearlessly navigate their emotional bodies as the pathway to liberation.

Buster began his career in Sweden as a professional dancer and choreographer (1991-2002). Over a period of six years, he also trained as a therapist at OSHO Humaniversity in the Netherlands (1996-2002). After a ten-year career in performing arts in Scandinavia Buster moved to the United States, where he studied and received his degree in psychology. For the last seven years Buster worked primarily as a body-centered psychotherapist with clients who struggle with trauma and addictions. Buster is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, and a trained Sensorimotor Psychotherapy therapist.


About Rachel Rickards:

Rachel Rickards is an adventurous spirit in the realms of love, sex and relationship. Her natural exuberance gives permission to others to explore their authentic selves in uncharted territory. Her never ending enthusiasm and energy for the work of transformation and the ease of play at the same time is a huge gift adding depth coupled with perspective to everything she does. One of Rachel’s greatest contributions to a space is how she is able to embody the feelings of an individual or group field with such acute awareness, that one could almost observe her as the pure reflection of what is present in the field at any given moment.

With Rachel, comes a passion for relating and loving in alternative ways and helping people find their truth in the way they want to love and be loved. She has sincere empathy for the difficult path of relating outside of the box, but also great enthusiasm for the spiritual journey it is to find your own relationship to relating with others, and ultimately, most importantly, to yourself. More recently, Rachel has been thriving in her work with women empowerment, helping her clients to find their voice and define their boundaries; to live life actively owning the kind of relationship their heart desires.

Rachel is adept at using sound and touch as a vehicle for unconditional love. She also is a skilled event production manager with 10 years of experience, whose organizational genius and open arms make her the quintessential “hostess with the mostess.” With personal and professional training in psychology, sex therapy and alternative/open relationship counseling, she is committed to helping others find their full creative expression in life and love.

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